Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Las Diez Profesiones que Tendrán Más Demanda

Las Diez Profesiones que Tendrn Ms Demanda El Bureau de Estadà ­sticas del Departamento de Trabajo de los Estados Unidos ha publicado la lista de las diez profesiones donde calcula se brindarn ms ofertas de trabajo. A continuacià ³n aparecen las mejor pagadas y aquellas que brindan importantes beneficios. Listado de Profesiones con Mayor Crecimiento Hasta el 2020 Este listado destaca que las plazas que ms se estn creando no se encuentran necesariamente entre las mejor pagadas, salvo algunas excepciones. De mayor a menor en ofertas de trabajo nuevas, estas son las profesiones: Enfermeras Registradas (RN): Un alto porcentaje de estas enfermeras/os son profesionales extranjeros. Trabajos en centros mà ©dicos, hospitales y consultorios privados. Vendedores en tiendas: para esta labor solo se requieren estudios inferiores a la secundaria. Trabajos en tiendas locales. Asistentes de cuidado de salud en el hogar: estas personas se encargan de monitorear y registrar informacià ³n sobre la salud de pacientes. Asimismo, mantienen comunicacià ³n con los pacientes y sus familiares.Asistentes de cuidado personal: estas se ocupan de prestar asistencia diaria y bsica a ancianos, discapacitados o personas que sufren de enfermedades crà ³nicas.Oficinistas: o quienes desempeà ±an labores varias dentro de un ambiente de oficina.Trabajadores en restaurantes: aquà ­ se desempeà ±an en labores de cocina y de atencià ³n al cliente. Trabajadores de Servicio al Cliente: atienden las preguntas y quejas de los clientes de cadenas de almacenes y/o cualquier empresa que cuente con clientes directos (salud, ventas, telefonà ­a celular). Choferes de camiones: quienes viajan llevando carga en camiones de varios ejes.Trabajadores de carga y descarga: incluidos los de mudanzas, estos trabajadores prestan servicios en mercados y almacenes de cadena. Profesores universitarios, especialistas en educacià ³n y personal superior de bibliotecas: en este caso es necesario un tà ­tulo profesional o un doctorado. Un buen nà ºmero de personas extranjeras desarrollan esta labor. Por el contrario, el Bureau de Estadà ­sticas considera que los trabajos en los que habr ms pà ©rdida de plazas ser el de los granjeros, agricultores y trabajadores relacionados con la pesca, operadores de mquinas de coser, telefonistas, cocineros de fast food, trabajadores de correos y mecanà ³grafos. Profesiones a destacar por su salario o por sus beneficios Hay profesiones que resultan atractivas por sus salarios. Aquà ­ unos links de interà ©s: Las diez mejor pagadas. Las bien remuneradas que que no exigen nivel de estudios.Las labores con el gobierno federal Las labores militares con sus beneficios tanto para soldados como para oficiales. Este es un articulo informativo y no pretende ser asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Perfect Hand Essay

The Perfect Hand Essay The Perfect Hand Essay Perfect Hand Scaled Webbed Hand In the not so distance future, global warming will melt the ice caps around the world and thus elevate the water level that would cause it to flood most of the land that we know today. So most of the living beings that live among the land would either have to evolve to be able to fly or swim to survive. Thus most of the creatures living on earth would be more aquatic. Humans might evolve and grow webbed hands and feet covered with scales to become faster in water to catch prey without losing the ability to roam the remaining land that hasn't flooded yet. In the cell biology factor, it will develope a special type of enzymes and protein that turn the outer layer of the hand and the rest of the skin blue, thus making it camouflage in the water and easier to catch prey and avoid predators. The for microbiology, the new hand we be able to produce a new type of cells that will create scales that will be light and be very tough to break. It will have similar characteristics to carbon fiber. It will also be able to help cut through the water for improvement in agility and speed in the water. For the immunology factor, the hand will develop antibodies that are resistant to both aquatic and land bacteria, viruses, and foreign substances than are possibly pathogenic. The blood inside the hand and in the muscles will be able to hold large amount of oxygen that enables the organism to swim down into the water for long periods of time. In the Plant Biology section, it will grow small green spots to gain some vitamin D from the sun to develop better and strong muscles for rapid swimming, since most of its body will be covered in scales. It will also be able to produce spores that might paralyze its prey. For the growth of its developmental state, it will have claws for fingernails and have razor like

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Wars and Territorial Expansions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Wars and Territorial Expansions - Essay Example This paper illustrates that the Middle East is still very enticing for invasion for oil. Invasion of Afghanistan by the United States in the last decade was a consequence of 9/11 and the US claims to have invaded Afghanistan because it felt insecure and wanted to prevent such terrorist attacks in the future. The Middle East, on the hand, claims that the US invaded Afghanistan to cement itself in the Middle East and take control of the oil resources. The statement in a discussion can be truer and applicable if the word â€Å"secure† is widened in its meaning. It instantly gives a meaning that a country invades another to secure its freedom. In the context of war, the security may also refer to security from economic declines, poverty, and hunger. It may be argued that many wars during the past 300 years have taken place to achieve a â€Å"balance of power† among the European countries as they had made various colonies in different parts of the world. The motive of suprem acy is in the basic human nature but it always sets in when the basic necessities of life are attained with ease. The European territorial expansions were triggered by the motive of attaining economic security as the resources are limited and wants are unlimited. The resources become abundant for a particular country when it explores that of another. As a result, the will to become the supreme power sets in. There is another reason for war which is the supremacy of religion. The Saracen territorial expansion was done in the name of the religion Islam and security had apparently no part in it. But a detailed discussion can lead us to raise the fact that Islam was threatened by its enemies very much during its flourishing years and invasion of its enemies made it secure.